I hope you find a book that will pique a child's interest, let them express emotion, and encourage them to read.
I hope you find a book that will pique a child's interest, let them express emotion, and encourage them to read.
My writing journey began with my lifetime of experience raising my three sons, the opportunity I had to tutor challenged youth, and when I assisted in the teaching of young children.
I wrote my first book, "A Surprise Party for James." It is a whimsical story to learn the days of the week with a taste of humor. That book took ten years to publish, five years to find an illustrator, and another five years to publish. While tutoring, I stressed to families the value of maintaining their native tongue while embracing new languages. Inspired by the diverse audience for which I write, my second book, "A Pet Just for Me!" is now available in six languages! My interest in developmentally appropriate childhood practices is captured in my stories. They also celebrate my passion to continue to help build confidence and positive outcomes for other children who struggle with traditional curriculum.
I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). I have received recognition by community leaders for my participation in reading events.
A native of Los Angeles, I now live in Winnetka, California with my husband. I enjoy spending time with my family, reading to my granddaughter, and catching a few documentaries. In my spare time, I participate in book festivals, career days, and book signings. My books continue to support literacy programs that target early intervention.
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